Saltheart Foamfollower
JoinedPosts by Saltheart Foamfollower
Fading policies and doctrines
by Saltheart Foamfollower infirst a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc.
it is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
here are two examples of what i mean:.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Interesting Magnum - our CO always checks up on 1 year visits. Looks like they make their own rules up as to what is important. -
Blurring of genders
by Saltheart Foamfollower inas sometimes happens at elders meetings with the co, he has a letter from the branch to read out.
this rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory.
this visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again.
Saltheart Foamfollower
As sometimes happens at Elders meetings with the CO, he has a letter from the branch to read out. This rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory. This visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again. Also mentioned (I wish I had an accurate recording of this) was that elders should watch out for any brother who displays effeminate traits, bearing or body language (without defining what they mean exactly) and to give counsel to them. In extreme cases ie not listening to the counsel, they should be stopped from sharing in field service. Sisters were mentioned briefly if wearing tight/revealing clothes.
Anyone else had this during a visit?
Fading policies and doctrines
by Saltheart Foamfollower infirst a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc.
it is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
here are two examples of what i mean:.
Saltheart Foamfollower
First a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc. It is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes. Here are two examples of what I mean:
1) Up to the 1970s they taught that all of the evidence for ice ages was really caused by the flood. I heard this repeated last year by a long time witness. As far as I can determine, they have not repeated this claim since the mid-70s but have never said that all of the scientific evidence points to ice ages with many of the features being impossible if caused by liquid water.
2) Last year in the June Km they started a policy of witnessing at nursing homes which was quite involved. Since then I don't know of any cong that has done this and the CO hasn't mentioned it. This seems to happen with initiatives (though sometimes COs have been known to ask why such and such isn't being done a couple of years later).
I understand (though don't agree with) why they don't say they were wrong, but I don't know why they launch initiatives and then drop them straight away. Anyone know of other examples or can explain their actions?
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
Saltheart Foamfollower
(Engaging sarcasm) I'm sure they have just followed the example in Acts Ch. 4 and sold their belongings to help the poor!!!
New songs at meetings
by Saltheart Foamfollower intoday at the wt study one of the new songs was used.
how has this been going in other congs - at my hall about two thirds had it on either tablets or phones with lyrics on or printed out, rest just stood looking blank.
singing very poor.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Today at the wt study one of the new songs was used. How has this been going in other congs - at my hall about two thirds had it on either tablets or phones with lyrics on or printed out, rest just stood looking blank. Singing very poor. My view is - wt is a printing corporation which receives lots of cash from us each month (not from me personally) so why should I print out their songs. One which was used at the convention had an extra verse from when it first appeared - waste of time printing it out.
Any murmuring from other congs?
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
Saltheart Foamfollower
John Aquila 16 hours ago
The governing body wants to thank everyone here on for all the ideas. The winner of the best idea will get one year of free Watchtower and Awake magazines autograph by one of the GB members.
How do I delete my post (just in case)
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Spanx are OK - as long as they've got the logo?
Making wise use of magazines letter
by Saltheart Foamfollower inhi all, just got this letter (sorry about formatting - anyone clean it up?).
christian congregationof jehovahs witnessesthe ridgeway, london, nw7 1rn telephone: 020 8906 2211august 13, 2015to all congregationsre: making wise use of our magazinesdear brothers:millions of people worldwide appreciate the bible study aids that are provided by thefaithful and discreet slave.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Hi all, Just got this letter (sorry about formatting - anyone clean it up?)
Christian Congregation
of Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Ridgeway, London, NW7 1RN Telephone: 020 8906 2211
August 13, 2015
Re: Making Wise Use of Our Magazines
Dear Brothers:
Millions of people worldwide appreciate the Bible study aids that are provided by “the
faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45) Much time, effort and funds are expended producing
magazines and literature that helps many each year to “come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”
—1 Tim. 2:4.
It has, however, been noticed that in a number of congregations not all the magazines
ordered are being used. In some instances, magazines have been allowed to build up, resulting in
them being unused and ultimately wasted. What can be done to avoid wasting our valuable
When the current method of supplying magazines was introduced, this instruction was
given: “Publishers should take only the number of magazines needed for the current week of
activity in the ministry, not for the entire month.” Are we following that direction, or do we find
that we are taking more than we need for the week? Please can we ask that all in the congregation
give this matter careful consideration so as to reduce the amount of waste. A very large quantity of
magazines are printed in many languages and it is hoped that these can all be used in the
evangelizing work. Also, could we make more use of our electronic devices, helping interested
persons use the website?
What action can be taken if large quantities of magazines have built-up in the congregation
or in our personal supply? First, the elders will make sure that the order is reduced immediately.
However, even old magazines are still of value to the reader and a special effort should be made to
place them with the public. Some suggestions of how this can be accomplished can be found in the
March 2014 edition of Our Kingdom Ministry, page 3.
We want our literature to achieve its intended purpose of reaching the heart of those wishing
to come to know our heavenly Father. Therefore, may we all ensure that none of our literature is
wasted and that we continue to make the best use of these valuable gifts from our generous God.
—Jas. 1:17.
Please be assured of our warm brotherly love and best wishes.
Your brothers,
PS to the body of elders:
Please read out the above letter to the congregation at the first Service Meeting after receipt.
Thereafter, it should be placed on the noticeboard.
Re: Making Wise Use of Our Magazines
August 13, 2015
Page 2
The following part of this PS should not be read to the congregation or placed on the noticeboard.
It is the responsibility of the elders in each congregation to keep a regular check on the flow of magazines so that dedicated funds are not wasted by overprinting. For example, while taking part in public witnessing, many publishers are commendably imitating the methods shown on and this has reduced the amount of magazines being placed in this activity. However, this calls for a close monitoring of the magazines being used in this form of preaching. If it is found that many magazines are left over at the end of the month then this should be reflected in the congregation order and a reduction should be made. It is very easy to adjust the order either up or down on, but bear in mind it takes two to three months for the change to take effect.
Therefore, please can we ask that all service overseers and magazine coordinators immediately and thoroughly re-appraise the magazine order for their congregation(s). If it is found that a number of magazines are being left over each month then a reduction of the congregations order can immediately be implemented.—See the direction in Literature and Magazine Request Guidelines (S-56) chapter 7, paragraph 4.SF
How Far Apart Were Your Legs?
by Joe Grundy inseveral threads on here about the excellent bbc r4 programme this week ('the report') focussing on rape and abuse in barry, south wales, jws.
fat pervert mark sewell later got 14 years and i hope he is enjoying every minute of it.. the courageous ladies who spoke on the programme were articulate, reasonable and made a tremendous impression.. the quote in the thread title made an impression on me, and i hope, on all listeners.. forget religious, theological, 'biblical' issues and cut to the basics.
a rape victim was asked to demonstrate - to demonstrate, ffs - to three unqualified (middle-aged at least, presumably) men just how far her legs were apart when she was raped.. i have rarely heard anything so outrageous, and i used to investigate rape and abuse in my profession.
Saltheart Foamfollower
With regard to transcripts - brief notes are taken during the meeting but are supposed to be given to the chairman at the end who will destroy them after everything (eg possible appeal, form submitting) is finished. So there shouldn't be anything stored in cong files - there isn't in mine, but some probably do.
I have been on JCs and have never found it remotely necessary to go beyond asking them to put in their own words what happened. Part of the problem is that the only ones who know what goes on in a JC are the three elders and the accused. Other elders & COs etc don't know, so it is another case of the way the borg have arranged things allowing for horrific practices to happen as outlined earlier. Yes, individual elders are to blame, but so is the organization that has "trained" them.
Can I just add my deepest sympathies to all who have been affected.
Our hall is asking for money...
by thedepressedsoul ini guess the branch isn't happy with the amount being sent each month since we are way lower than our loan amount.
we now have to another financial survey to see the max amount that can be given.
it is "encouraged" for all to be in attendance and give much forethought and consideration to the amount you can donate each month.
Saltheart Foamfollower
I don't know how to post the original, but here is the text from a letter just received in the UK
Christian Congregation
of Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Ridgeway, London, NW7 1RN Telephone: 020 8906 2211
TAA:TAB June 8, 2015
Re: Meeting the Needs of the Organization
Dear Brothers:
We know you will have enjoyed the May 2015 programme of JW Broadcasting. How
encouraging to hear of all the current projects being undertaken in connection with advancing
Kingdom interests! Our attention was drawn to our giving support in various ways, such as our
time, energy and material resources. The admonition at Proverbs 3:9 to “honor Jehovah with your
valuable things, with the firstfruits of all your produce” was emphasized. Yes, we should give our
very best to Jehovah as our priority. The Scriptural basis for supporting pure worship with material
contributions was thus highlighted.
Over the past year a very positive response has been received by congregations making
donations of funds surplus to local operating expenses and implementing a regular monthly
donation to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide. We warmly commend all
who have responded so generously to this new arrangement for funding Kingdom Hall and
Assembly Hall construction around the world.
We note that some congregations still continue to hold funds in excess of their necessary
operating expenses, either in a local bank account or on deposit with the branch office. Additionally
some congregations are not making a monthly contribution in support of Kingdom Hall and
Assembly Hall construction worldwide.
In harmony with the broadcast for May 2015, and the guidance provided in our letter
dated March 29, 2014, regarding Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall
construction worldwide, we encourage you to follow these guidelines and send all such dedicated
funds, surplus to operating expenses, for the Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction
We are confident of Jehovah’s blessing on these arrangements as we do all that we can to
praise and elevate his great name and universal sovereignty.
Please accept our appreciation and thanks in advance for the cooperation and hard work of
you brothers in helping care for Christ’s belongings.
Your brothers,SF